I was invited to a birthday party by my Vietnamese friend today. Before today, I was confused that why she is particularly good for me.
I got the answer when she invited me to her other friends at the party by introducing that I respect her. Specifically, I always keep chating with her by English. It is very surprising to me since I don't notice this; however, I do this uncousciously, and I should try to remind to keep this habit in the future. It's ture that the number of Mandarin speaking people is more than the sum of others language's people in ESL. Sometimes, It's proud that I can talk to a lot of people easily, but I never notice that we make people who can't understand Mandrain feel so uncomfortable. 

In the evening, I had a simple meal with my Hong Kong's friend and her boy-friend. It is a nice party, and we shared many information about Taiwan and Hong Kong. However, we started to discuss the two significant Movements these years which are Sunflower Movement and Umbrella Revolution unexpectly. It's my first time to hear Hong Kong's people shared their opinions about this, but it's happy that we have so close and similar ideas when we reviewed those historic event. It opened my can of worms! I shared a lot of my personal opinions of compare of democracy between Western countries and Eastern countries, two movements, and the attitude to policeman and people who strive to their right. I really thank to the Sunflower Movement which help me to introspect and learn more about the democracy. This may be my first time to share so much about this topic in Canada. Maybe we will talk it more in the future. By the way, there is one more nice thing: some of my Chinese friend who started to think more and change his strong belief when he began to accept the new info from us. 


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