Last 10 years, next 10 years. 

Almost every 525 is very meaningful in my life. However, time is passing. I can't believe that 10 years is gone. Maybe you forget this bet, maybe you are disappointed. I don't know actually. But during this period, despite I faced lot of problems and changed a lot, I worked for my dream step by step. I am grateful to our gamble that I can reflect my life each 525. 4 years ago, it impressed me that it's my first time to notice that I cheated myself and pretend I had no bad emotion. Thanks to my important friend Showing. Last 525, it was so pleasure that I could meet you and we could go to 陽明山 together to enjoy nice performance (althought we were too late to join).

Last 525, I met many professors in TKU, I met some of my coworkers and students, Rebecca in Cultural university, and  Showing. It was the wonderful day. Thanks for all of you in my life. I will keep fighting for my dream, and keep 525 this goal. Hope you will be proud of me one day ~^^

Next 10 years, start!  


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